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Building a Culture of Integrity, Excellence, and Shared Success.

Our Vison
To create a sustainable and safe environment for humanity and society.
Our Misson
To be the most valuable enterprise in the global construction materials industry.
Our Values
Genuineness, Excellence, Elegance
Our Mission Statement
OYH only produces and sells the best.
OYH only delivers top construction projects.
Defective products have no place in our operations.
Subpar service is equivalent to no service.
Our Purpose
For the Nation, For Society, For Customers, For Employees, For Shareholders.

From Foundation to Leadership:
Our Growth Story


Expanded production capabilities with facilities established in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and other key markets.

2019 to

Secured patent certifications for multiple products across various countries. 


OYH established the Global Excellence R&D Center for Waterproof Coatings in North America.


OYH was awarded the China Quality Award.


Established the Global Excellence R&D Center in the United States. Established OYH Malaysia, deepening market penetration in Southeast Asia.


OYH was approved to launch a State Key Laboratory for Special Functional Waterproof Materials and established its first North American subsidiary.


OYH Expanded into Latin America, providing standardized construction systems customized for local markets.


OYH expanded its market reach by introducing its products to European Union countries.


The "OYH 1998-2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Report" was released. At the same year, the group achieved EU 'CE' certification, enabling product entry into European markets.


OYH (Stock Code: 002271) was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and expanded its market presence to Southeast Asia.


OYH secured the waterproofing contracts for iconic projects such as the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest, contributing to the 'New Beijing, New Olympics' initiative.


OYH successfully completed and launched a state-of-the-art production line imported from a leading U.S. R&D company.


The company was founded.

Code of Ethics

The OYH Code of Ethics is founded on the collective wisdom gained from past achievements and experiences. It defines the fundamental principles that guide the group's operations and sets the standard for ethical and responsible behavior. Serving as a cornerstone for future growth, the Code reflects OYH's unwavering commitment...
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Honors & Qualification

Social Recognition Customer Recognition

Asia Brands Top 500

2022 Outstanding Performance Award for OYH (Malaysia)

2021 Outstanding Performance Award for OYH (Malaysia)

2020 Outstanding Performance Award for OYH (Malaysia)